When the inquiry from Sabrina and Sabrina found its way into my inbox, my heartbeat immediately started to rise. After all, it has been several years since I was allowed to photograph the last same-sex wedding of two women. I would really like to photograph more same-sex weddings to be honest.
Back then I was not allowed to publish the pictures of that wedding – because the two women feared a negative impact on their professional career. These things make me very sad – nobody should have to hide herself/himself and her/his love for her/his sexual orientation or even fear any negative consequences. The time is more than right, well , actually over-due, for “Marriage for All” in Switzerland. Love is a wonderful thing, a gift. Love should not know any boundaries, restrictions or gender roles – love should be free and beautiful.
Even happier was I to see how openly Sabrina and Sabrina live and show their love. Both Sabrinas are really great and lovely human beings. When we met in Zurich for a get-together, we talked about almost everything – but hardly about their wedding. The sympathy was immediate on both sides – which is why I was very happy about their booking. At the Love Session last autumn we got to know each other even better and the anticipation of their wedding in Eastern Switzerland became even greater.
What a great and beautiful late summer day it was:
After the first look directly at the Lake Constance we went to Villa Felber where the entire wedding took place. The moment when their two fathers saw them for the first time was simply wonderful. To capture such moments for eternity is not only very touching for me but also a great honour.
The no-religious ceremony was held by Anita Lusti – one of my favourite ceremonial masters – which was – as I expected – very personal and emotional. Not only the Sabrinas, but also many of the guests (and yes, me too) had to wipe the one or two tears of emotion from our cheeks. As emotional the ceremony was, as joyful and fun was the aperitif afterwards. All while the sun slowly set behind Lake Constance.
Both Sabrinas clearly enjoyed the time out during the couple photos. Although they didn’t want to stay away from their friends and families for too long, they were grateful for the few minutes of peace and intimate privacy.
The evening was filled with various contributions, speeches and (again) some tears of joy. The Sabrinas celebrated their love together with their dearest people until deep into the night. Without restrictions or limitations – just the way it should be.